Listed below are electronics and engineering calculators
- Simple Calculator - can be used for simple arithmetic calculation
- 555 Timer Calculator - monostable, bistable calculator of 555 timer IC
- Battery Life Calculator - calculate how long your battery will last
- KW to Hp Converter
- LC Calculator - calculate inductance, capacitance and frequency
- LC calculator Ver2
- LED Resistor Calc - calculate resistance, voltage and current in LED
- LM317 Calculator - calculator for LM317 input and output voltage, and resistance needed
- Ohm's Law Calculator - basic ohms law calculator
- Ohm's Law calc ver2
- Parallel Resistors - know the equivalent resistance combination of resistors
- Prefix Converter - convert kilo to pico, nano, Mega, Hexa, Giga, and other prefix used in engineering and sciences
- Resistor Color Code - know the value of resistance based on the color coding or resistor body marking
- Scientific Calculator - can be used in calculation involving simple scientific equations
More Calculators.....Coming...
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