amplifier schematic |
R1 - 2.7 kilo ohms 1/4W
R2 - 33 ohms 1/4W
R3 - 10 kilo ohms 1/4W
R4 - 270 ohms 1W
R5, R6 - 0.27 ohms 1/2W
D1, D2 -1N4148 or similar diode
C1 - 33uF electrolytic capacitor rated 16V
Q1 - 2N2222, 9013 or similar NPN transistor
Q2 - TIP32C or similar PNP transistor
Q3 - TIP31C or similar NPN transistor
SPK - 4 to 8 ohms speaker (2W to 4W)
DC supply - +12V and -12V dc supply
Part List Pins:
2N2222 pins |
TIP32C pinout |
TIP31C pinout |
Simple Hearing Aid - small amp powered by 1.5V
9V amplifier -single power, minimal parts
USB amplifier - usefull for computer or laptop speakers
I modeled and built this little amp, and I am seeing an output of around 4w; using 2n3904s for the NPNs and a 2n2907 for the PNP.