schematic diagram |
R1 - 10 kilo ohms 1/4W
R2, R7 - 120 kilo ohms 1/4W
R3 - 39 kilo ohms 1/4W
R4 - 560 kilo ohms 1/4W
R5, R6, R8 - 330 ohms 1/4W
C1 - 10uF electrolytic capacitor rated 16V
C2 - 220uF electrolytic capacitor rated 16V
D1 - 1N4001 or similar diode ( i recommend use schottcky)
Q1 - 2N2222 or similar NPN transistor
Q2 - 2N3906 or similar PNP transistor
LED - red or any low power LED (see LED pinout if you forgot)
2N3906 pinout |
2N2222 pinout |
1.5V led flasher - uses two transistor at very low input voltage
Lamp flasher by FET - high current and power flasher
two transistor flasher - powered from 3V to 12V with two LEDs
Led chaser - 10 led chaser that turns on one after the other
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